The Two Sides of Making Music on a Computer


  • Technical knowledge of music production software and DAWs
  • Ability to use virtual instruments and effects


  • Strong songwriting skills, including melodies, harmonies, and lyrics
  • Understanding of song structure and how to create tension and release

In music production, there is a flow state that occurs when mixing technical decisions lead to forms of songwriting, and vice versa. However, many problems in the production process can be traced back to either a lack of technical knowledge or a lack of creative vision (usually songwriting problem).

Developing a clear vision or goal for your music can be a result of the production process itself. As you experiment with different techniques and learn by doing, you gain a better understanding of what it is you want to create. It's important to see the process through and complete a project, as this can help you learn more about your vision and fine-tune your goals.

Overall, when facing challenges in music production, it's important to consider whether the issue lies in the technical or creative aspects of the process. By addressing these issues and continuing to work towards a clear vision, you can improve your music and achieve your desired results. The more you do this, the more natural things flow and the more your decisions will be natural and complementary in the process.

I feel most music makers who create death metal (especially early on in their journey) may overlook the importance of songwriting because the genre is not bound by traditional song structures. However, it is still possible to incorporate elements such as verses, choruses, and bridges into death metal tracks to create movement, tension, and variety. If you are having trouble finishing songs, consider using these traditional structures as a framework to help guide your songwriting process... and ultimately help you grow, learn, and finish songs.